Responsible vehicle owners know that keeping up with a regular oil change schedule is a vital part of that ownership. Purchasing oil wholesale can go a long way toward relieving the financial burden of regular oil changes, but before you commit to purchasing large quantities of motor oil, it's important that you consider what your vehicle truly needs.

Below, you'll find a guide to some factors you should consider when purchasing wholesale motor oil. Keeping these variables in mind will help guarantee that you purchase the oil which will truly get the highest level of performance out of your vehicle, and should help put you on the path toward extending the life of your car or truck well beyond what you may have expected.

Climate Variance

Engine oil is designed to provide protection for your engine's components from the stresses that are created by extreme environments. However, many people live in areas where the temperature can range from blazing to freezing, and that can create a challenge in purchasing the correct oil.

Multi-weight oils may be the solution to this problem. These blends are designed to perform in both very hot and very cold weather, and could offer the protection you need. They're also more likely to be stored safely, as they'll resist the changes in temperature that often come with storage environments.

State of the Engine

The resiliency and strength of your vehicle's engine are also determining factors in deciding what oil blend is the best for you to purchase. Modern engines with fresh parts react very well to new synthetic blends that are specially designed to protect those carefully machined components.

If your vehicle is older or if your engine is on the verge of needing a major repair, it's likely that multi-weight, synthetic, and other thinner oils won't sufficiently fill the gaps which are in need of lubrication. Instead, consider purchasing a heavier weight which will provide more consistent protection.

Warranty Maintenance

When your car suffers from a serious mechanical fault, your manufacturer's warranty can go a long way toward providing you with substantial financial relief. Unfortunately, there are often many criteria that your maintenance needs to meet in order to keep that warranty valid. One criterion is the blend of motor oil you use. Make sure that you consult with your vehicle's paperwork about the oil you need to use to keep your warranty valid before you make a wholesale purchase that ends up costing you in the long run.

To learn more, contact a company like Gran-Del Petroleum Products
