When it comes to taking care of your car, there are many parts that you need to make sure you're on top of maintaining. Your car's brakes are one of the most important parts that definitely need your attention. But, there may be times when your brakes are telling you there's a problem and you're not listening, because you're just not aware of what the signs are. This article will give you an idea of the most important signs and sounds you should learn to recognize when your brakes are telling you it's time to bring your car in for service.

Noises, Sounds and Sensations 

There are a few different indicators that your car sends out to you to let you know your brakes need a bit of love and attention. 

Brake Warning Light

This is probably the most obvious of the signs, but it's one you should not ignore. Even if you have no other signs, if your brake warning light comes on, make an appointment with your local brake service shop.

Foul Odor From Tires

Your tires are a big indicator that your brakes need some work. If you smell a foul odor coming from your tires, you should investigate further. Unfamiliar smells coming from your tires are not normal, and could be a sign your brakes have a problem. It's best to get your car in the shop right away to rule out any issues with your brakes.

Bad Vibrations

If you feel a vibration in your steering wheel or brake pedal, it's possible the problem lies with your brake system. If you continue to drive with the vibration, you risk ruining your rotors because of the constant rubbing on the metal. The longer you wait, the more it will cost you in repairs. 

A "Pulling" Sensation

If you feeling your vehicle pulling to one side while you apply your brakes, it could mean the brakes need additional brake fluid or other adjustments. It could also be a steering issues, so either way it's a sign you don't want to ignore. 

Squishy Pedal

If you feel that your brake pedal is "squishy" or even a bit difficult to press down, it is usually an indication that air has made its way into your brake lines, or it could mean you're low on brake fluid. Have your local brake service, like Big Mechanic, take a look and make any necessary repairs. 
