The number of permits issued for home remodels in the United States rose by 5.1% in 2013. If you are thinking of joining the growing group of home owners who are adding value to their homes through a remodel, it is important that you rake the time to learn what you can expect throughout the process.

Here are 3 simple ways that you can prepare to survive a home remodel with your sanity intact:

1. Whenever possible, plan your remodel projects for months with mild weather.

If you have ever seen a construction zone, you know that workers can generate a significant amount of dust. Home owners often complain about the amount of dust that travels throughout their property during a remodel; especially those home owners who choose to live on site while the renovations are completed. By opting to complete any remodels you have planned during months with mild weather, you can eliminate the movement of most of the dust workers will generate within your home.

Since air conditioners and furnaces rely on forced air to control indoor temperatures, they can blow dust throughout your house. During temperate weather you can live without these HVAC staples, which reduce the dust migration within your home.

2. Take the time to wrap your mind around the expense.

While most home owners go into a remodel project knowing what the final cost will be, there can be some anxiety associated with spending large sums of money in a short period of time. If you are not used to writing four or five digit checks, then you might want to take time to wrap your mind around the cost of a remodel.

Mentally prepare yourself for the expenses you will face by taking the time to research appliance, labor, and material costs. Being able to put your own expenses into perspective will trick your brain into accepting the costs you will face without getting worked up about the budget.

3. Do your research on tradesmen that will be working on your home.

A home remodel often means giving people you don't know well access to your home. Sharing your living space with these strangers can be cause for concern, but taking the time to research the background and experience of these tradesmen will help alleviate some stress.

Be sure that you invest the time required to check professional references for each tradesman you plan to work with. Hearing about other home owners' experiences with these workers will help put you at ease.

While it is impossible to know exactly how hard it is to live through a home remodel until you have completed this task yourself, you can begin to prepare for the stress associated with renovations in advance. By reducing the amount of dust during the remodel, coming to terms with the cost of your project, and researching each worker, you can make your home remodel a more pleasant experience.

To learn more, contact a company like Scott Equipment with any questions you have.
