When you drive a car with an automatic transmission, you need to pay extra attention to the types of warnings and signs it's sending you. If you catch them early, you can save yourself thousands of dollars and, more importantly, your car.

With that said, here are five signs your transmission might have problems.

1. Leaks and Low Fluid Levels

When running properly, you should never have to add any transmission fluid. The transmission is a self-contained system. However, if you check the fluid levels and notice that they are low, or you notice leaks underneath your car near the front and middle of the undercarriage, there's a good chance it's from your transmission.

Transmission fluid is bright red — unless it's dirty, in which case it'll be dark red or brown. It's important to have a certified mechanic inspect the transmission if this is the case. Overfilling it can increase the pressure in the system, leading to more leaks and damage. Underfilling it can lead to friction and damaged gears.

2. Slipping Gears

Even if the fluid levels are fine and there are no leaks, sometimes the gears will slip while you're driving. You'll notice that the automobile feels like it's shifting at times it wouldn't normally shift. Sometimes this is followed by a change in the engine pitch, almost like whining or screaming.

Slipping gears are also lead to decreased power while climbing hills or even while driving on flats. Acceleration will also decline.

3. Shifting Delays

Usually, when you shift into drive, the car is ready to go. However, if the shift into drive is followed by a long pause before the car begins moving forward, the gears may be damaged.

Another sign that there are shifting issues is when you press the gas after shifting, and the engine revs, but the car doesn't move forward. Sometimes the gears will even catch while you're pressing the gas and jerk forward.

4. Clanks, Thuds, and Rough Shifts

This is similar to shifting delays, except, in this case, it's almost as though the car is acting defiantly. What sets this apart from a shifting delay is that you'll usually hear a fairly loud clunking or thudding of the gears — almost as though someone took two pieces of metal pipe and clanked them together.

5. The Check Engine Light Illuminates

To be fair, the check engine light glowing on the dash doesn't automatically indicate something's wrong with the transmission. However, if you've recently noticed any of the above problems along with that glowing orange symbol on your dash, find a transmission repair shop. They can connect diagnostic readers to your car's port to determine where the fault is.
